“Immortal Song 2″ idol lineup to see less changes going forward On July 12, 2011

Producers of KBS 2TV’s “Immortal Song 2” recently announced that they will be working towards reducing the amount of changes in the idol lineup for the program in order to improve the viewership and interest.
On July 11th, PD Go Min Gu stated, “Going forward, we will be limiting the number of idol lineup changes in the show program. After the addition of Super Junior’s Kyu Hyun this coming 25th, the contest will continue with no more changes.”
“Immortal Song 2″ initially gained much interest from the general public due to its similarities with popular program, “I Am A Singer”, however, many began to point out that it was quite difficult to maintain interest and follow the show due to the frequent changes in the contest lineup.
PD Go emphasized, “After comprehensive consideration of the viewers’ interest in idol-based programs and their activities, we decided to continue on with the show’s contest without any further changes.”
Source: Star News via Nate

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