2NE1 announces Bom’s solo, new mini-album, and first concert info

Published On Monday, April 18, 2011

After announcing 2NE1’s official comeback last week, the YG-Life blog has finally followed up with further information. Check it out below!
“On April 21st, we will be releasing Park Bom’s solo track, ‘Please Don’t Cry‘, as a digital single. The single is the work of Teddy, and features a piano and house beat, which acts as a fast-paced R&B dance track. The music video will be released on the same day.
Unfortunately, we do not have plans for Park Bom to perform her solo on broadcast, but we will be starting aggressive and assertive activities for 2NE1 until the end of August. (2NE1 will be debuting in Japan on September).
What do we mean by aggressive and assertive promotions?
Unlike how we introduced 2NE1’s triple title tracks – “Can’t Nobody“, “Go Away“, “Clap Your Hands” – during their last mini-album promotions (which ended with their follow-up, “It Hurts“) we will be releasing a new song every three weeks.
The reason we have chosen to take this route is because we are more than satisfied with the level of quality in 2NE1’s new songs, and we are intending to use all six of the album’s songs as title tracks for this promotion.
We will  be starting season three of ‘2NE1 TV’ with PD Choi. We are currently looking at an air date of around the beginning of June.
Finally, 2NE1 will be holding their first ever concert at the end of August. We have already surveyed the concert hall and feel that we will be able to run a concert with 2NE1’s representative tracks and their new six tracks.
We hope that our fans will give their support and encouragement towards 2NE1’s new music and promotions.
Thank you.
From YG”
Source: YG Life

[Review] “Don’t Play Around” by CHI CHI

In March, Yedang Entertainment debuted their newest rookie girl group ‘Creative electronic House Idols‘ – or - CHI CHI. The constituents of this sisterhood are Nara, Jiyu, Peach, Aji, Semi, Boreum, and Sori.  Spelled out in their name, CHI CHI are taking elements of electronic and house music and adding their own Kpop touch for commercial audiences.
CHI CHI’s first single is “Don’t Play Around,” and it’s one of those songs that starts zapping brain cells right out of the gate.  It’s a very busy little tune.  Most of the appeal of “Don’t Play Around” comes from its highly addictive melody, which is repeated from beginning to end without rest.  The melody is buried in the verses, the chorus, and the jarring instrumental, and it happens to work so efficiently because there’s nothing complicated about it.
“Don’t Play Around” wasn’t designed to impress or blow our minds, but to claw its way into the recesses of our head and stay there.  If you feel like you’ve taken a trip to CrazyVille, CHI CHI can happily dust off their hands because they have done their job.
What would be nice is to hear CHI CHI’s voices, because based off of this song, it’s not so easy to get a grip of what they have to offer since they’re so overly processed.  Then again, there’s no prerequisite of possessing epic vocals when it comes to this style of music.
CHI CHI (or Yedeng Ent.) may have made the wrong move debuting as an ‘idol’ group rather than, say, starting off in local clubs, because Kpop groups are standing shoulder to shoulder right now and debuting to this wide of an audience means CHI CHI are trying to scoop up as many listeners as possible.  Seeing as how the line-up of debuts has yet to end, CHI CHI could possibly fizzle out sooner than they expected.  Especially if they intend to be taken seriously as singers rather than electro-house pop tarts.  I’m almost certain that’s not the case.
The style of “Don’t Play Around” isn’t a bad one, and the overall instrumental is well executed.  But is CHI CHI really bringing a brand new style to the table?  It’s way too early to tell.  I have a feeling they’ll go down a similar path as Girl’s Day did after their questionable debut and crank out the big guns in their sophomore release – but then again, we’ll see.
As of right now, all this song has become is a very relentless ear-worm; nothing more, nothing less.


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