Asian sexy girl, Japanese popular model, Sayaka Ando’s hot bikini style

Sayaka Ando (安藤沙耶香, Andō Sayaka?, born 24 May 1981 in Takasaki, Gunma and raised in Sendai, Japan) is a Japanese gravure idol. She is also a former Race queen. She made her debut in |Eternal| in 2004, aged 23. She is a graduate of Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University.
Sayaka Ando is Japanese sexy model and popular idol. She was born in Takasaki. She is the former race queen and she is one of the Japanese popular gravure idol.
Sayaka Ando was born in Takasaki, Gunma and raised in Sendai, Japan. A former race queen, Sayaka is also one of Japan’s most popular gravure idol.

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