Lady Gaga’s BFF – Korean Chef Bo Kyung on July 13, 2011

Global Pop Star Lady Gaga spoke out about her Korean BFF, a Chef by the name of Bo Kyung.
Lady Gaga was recently interviewed on a popular KBS entertainment news program that aired on the 9th earlier this month. She briefly introduced herself and then went on to talk about her best friend from childhood, a Korean Chef by the name of Bo Kyung.
Gaga had previously visited Korea in 2009 where she attended a press conference. She talked about her American-adopted Korean friend Bo Kyung then as well.
Gaga’s BFF Bo Kyung was adopted at the age of six to the United States and attended an all girls’ Junior High School with Gaga in the Upper East Side of New York City.
Sacred Heart was an elite school for the wealthy, and informs that Lady Gaga had a hard time fitting in and was an outsider at the school, and so she was able to relate to her friend Bo Kyung who was of Asian descent.
Lady Gaga’s BFF Bo’s full name is Bo Kyung O’Connor and through the social network sites of their fellow classmates, it was obvious that O’Connor was an intelligent girl. Their classmates also wrote that Gaga and O’Connor were both A students, and that they had a friendship that none could imitate.
Source & Image: Xports News via Nate
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