ZE:A members melt fans with their adorable Pikachu outfitson July 5, 2011

Quick, grab some Pokeballs, because there’s a bunch of ZE:A members on the loose!
On July 4th, Kwanghee shared this adorable picture on his Twitter, where he wrote:Oh yeah! Cute baby! Dongjun! Ah I think I’m going to die by his cuteness. Grabbing his ear!! He’s running around like that! Pika~~Chu~!”.
Dongjun is seen wearing a Pikachu outfit while posing cutely for the camera. Fangirls melted after seeing his cheeky smile and droopy Pikachu ears.
Later, Kwanghee tweeted again, “What! Did you guys do this when I was not there? I also want a Pikachu pajama~! Junyoung and Hyungshik are excited~! They look good! They look very good!”,.
This time, Junyoung and Hyungshik were snapped wearing the same Pikachu outfit. Junyoung is sitting on Hyungshik’s back as he grabs Hyungshik’s ‘ears’. He looks mightly pleased with himself, while poor Hyungshik has a surprised expression his face.
Netizens gushed, “Is ZE:A’s new concept Pikachu?”, “ZE:A, how old are you guys?”, and “The ultimate innocent face!”.
Source: Newsen via Nate
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