
Someone should tell this ‘model’ to eat less. And having a picture with cupcakes in the frame just isn’t the greatest for your image.
IMAGE2010 10 003 Fattie
Just the single image for this time, I will upload WAY more revealing pictures of this white skinned chubby gal soon. They just seem to love her on the covers right now! Kinda sad really. But at least she takes off those clothes! Can’t complain too much I guess.

Marisa back in FHM? No ways!

FHM093 003 Marisa back in FHM? No ways!
This girl is fast becoming my favourite magazine chick. She just loves her lingerie shoots and those breasts look pretty sublime and symmetrical. Too bad her facial expressions are pretty much all the same throughout the whole shoot. I’m guessing she’s not that great at posing. But most girls aren’t. Especially the pretty ones.
FHM093 004 Marisa back in FHM? No ways!
Pucker up!

FHM093 005 Marisa back in FHM? No ways!
FHM093 006 Marisa back in FHM? No ways!

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