Brian Joo to make a cameo in “The Greatest Love”Published On Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It was recently announced that singer Brian Joo is going to make a cameo appearance in the MBC drama, “The Best Love”.
Brian’s cameo will take place in the 5th episode of the show, where he will be playing the role of idol singer, Kang Min, who first met Seri (Yoo In Na) while she was still active as a member of a the fictional group “Treasure Girls”.
It was revealed that Brian worked well in harmony with Yoo In Na and managed to complete the filming successfully. Because Yoo In Na had done him the favor of casting in one of his music videos last year, it was said that Brian had happily agreed to feature as a cameo with the actress when he was contacted for the request.
The episode is scheduled for broadcast this coming May 18th.

Source: Newsen via Nate
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