“White” reveals another promotional poster + teaser clipPublished On Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Another promotional poster for the movieWhite” has just been revealed!
The horror movie, “White: Melody of Curse”, will be released on June 9th and it tells the story of the hidden secrets behind the flashy life of idols. In the released poster, ‘Eun Ju‘ (Ham Eunjung) is seen with her back against the spotlights, but with blood and a scary expression on her face.
Standing behind ‘Eun Ju’ are three silhouettes, foreshadowing the story of the competition between idol hopefuls for the top spot. To top it off, the poster holds the caption, “If you disappear, then I will become the main”, expressing once again the jealousy and madness between the members of girl groups in their bid to become the main star.
The production crew also dropped a teaser for the movie. ‘Soon Yeh’ (Hwang Woo Seul Hye) is heard saying, “Singers are just a seasonal business. Especially idols are…”. Following that is a performance of the owner-less song called “White” by the popular idol group, “Pink Dolls”.
Following that are the words, “The gruesome passion to shine”, and the teaser dramatically shows a shift in atmosphere by revealing the members’ secrets. The movies boast of a cast including Ham Eunjung, May Doni, Choi Ara, Jin Se Yeon.
Check out the teaser!

Source: Newsen via Nate
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