Kitano Kii Japanese gravure idol beauty girls

Kitano Kii is a gravure idol and was the main winner of Miss Magazine 2005, winning the Grand Prix award. She is also a model for the magazine Hana*chu. Kii is currently aspiring to become an actress, and at a handshaking event for her first photobook on February 18th, she announced that she would debut as a singer on avex trax in spring 2007. The single, Sakura Mau, currently only available for online download, broke 50,000 downloads soon after its release. The song was used for the film “Koufuku na Shokutaku” (Happy Dinner Table), which Kii acts in.
Kitano Kii
Kitano Kii
Kitano Kii
Kitano Kii
Kitano KiiKitano Kii
Kitano Kii
Kitano Kii

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