Thai sexy model, actress, Panadda Wongpoodee’s hot bikini fashion

Panadda Wongpoodee is Thai sexy model and actress. She won 2000 Miss Thailand award and her nickname is “Bum”. She was born in 1981.
Measurement : 36-26-38
Education : Bachelor’s Degree, Faculty of Business Administration majoring in General Administration at Assumption University (ABAC).Master’s Degree , Faculty of Business Administration majoring in International Business at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
Thai sexy model and actress, Panadda Wongpoodee’s hot bikini style
Asian Sexy girl, Thai hot model, Panadda Wongpoodee’s bikini style
Thai sexy model, Thai hottest girl, Panadda Wongpoodee ” Bum”

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