Give a sexy girl enough time, show some interest in her and what she has to say and encourage her to talk about herself. Do this and I promise she will talk herself into wanting to spend more time with you.This is all down to understanding what men and sexy girl generally want out of an exchange.
Men want to provide logical solutions and think that they are doing what the sexy girl wants. After all, it is not an unreasonable proposition to want to helpsomeone else solve problems in a logical fashion, is it? Well, that may be a man’s point of view, but it is not necessarily that of a sexy girl.
Sexy girl want understanding, they want to be listened to and need their viewsvalidated. They are not necessarily interested in solutions. I suppose if asolution is tactfully provided after a man has provided the understanding and support a sexy girl needs, then this could work, but it is an area best avoided if in doubt. Some men will fail with sexy girl because they always try to solve her problems instead of providing the understanding and support a sexy girl needs, getting caught in the vicious circle of endless frustration. Unless action is taken, men will always suffer from the same problems in successfully dealing with this type of issue.
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